Friday, October 21, 2011

10 phenomena predicted by science fiction

The science fiction primarily to unleash to think about things that do not exist, but many predicted phenomena

 and events concrete scientific occurred after years, starting from the connection by satellite industry and access to the robot, here are 10 phenomena scientifically predicted by science fiction.

1- Visit the moon  : Address many of science fiction writers of this subject, but the closest to reality is the French "Jules Verne" (1828 - 1905), which made ​​many of the facts relating to visit the moon

2- Robots and automated pet animals : The first appearance of this idea in the play "RUR" of the Czech writer Karel Quebec (1890 - 1938), where he was manufacturing a number of human robots to be used as cheap labor at one factory.

3- Cloning and genetic engineering : The English writer "aldose Huxley" (1894 - 1963) was the first predicted by cloning and genetic engineering, through his novel "Brave New World", by class of human beings which are graded in jobs and social classes

4- Internet  : Thanks to the Canadian novelist, "William Gibson" (1948) in the emergence of the idea of ​​"cyberspace"  short his story "Burning Chrome" and his novel "Neuromancer", which attracted the whole world and the media to the world of computer and internet magic. Also thanks to the British writer, "John Brunner" (1934 - 1995), which already Gibson novel "Shockwave Rider"  in the emergence of the idea of ​​thief  the  personal accounts on the Internet "Hacker" and the idea of ​​viruses that infect computers.

5-World Wide Web : The idea of ​​a dynamic network of the Internet and received by the through the science fiction novel "The Earth" in 1990, the American novelist, "David Brin" (1950) when they imagine the possibility of the existence of a stream of video and audio links to the texts of the "Hypertext".

6- PC cameras :This idea was inspired by all the science fiction stories that revolve around the imagery of the phones, of which there are many more.

7- Waterbeds :  The idea of ​​waterbeds first at the American writer Robert Helen (1907 - 1988) in his novel  "Stranger in a Strange Land" in 1961, has been designing the first  Waterbeds  in 1967 by a student in San Francisco, called "Charles Hall ".

8- Satellite Communications : Received this phenomenon in the work world and the Australian Research Original AC. Clark in 1945.

9- Space tourist. : There were some stories about the rich personalities visited the space at both C. Clarke in his novel "A Fall of Moondust" in 1962 and  the British novelist Roald Dahl (1916-1990), who imagine that a U.S. hotel space in his novel "Charlie and the Great Glass Elevator", and is a millionaire American - Italian Dennis Tito was the first to visit the space a tourist trip in 2001 at a cost of $ 20 million

10-   Mini-Surgery : Tools used these days for a mini-surgery the most accurate, was inspired by the idea of ​​these tools through the novel "Fantastic Voyage" by the novelist Isaac Asimov